Studies have shown that the more involved BOTH parents are in a child's life, the better off that child is. I've already written several blogs on the importance of being involved in your child's life, especially after a divorce. Utah courts are ordering 50/50 parent-time (or close to it) more and more often. If you can do it, 50/50 is the way to go. It's obviously fair, its better for the child, and its just a good idea. However, there are certain things you want to keep in mind if you are seeking 50/50 custody.
A 50/50 parenting plan has to be feasible. In other words, the parties have to live close enough together to make it possible, and schedules have to be such that both parties can have the child half of the time. Cooperation is key. A 50/50 parenting plan is going to mean that there is frequent and effective communication between the parties. School events, social events, doctors appointments, these are all things that need to be talked about between the parents.
Work Schedule
There have been instances where a party wants 50/50 custody, but works evenings 7 days a week and is often out of town. Obviously a schedule like this would not be conducive to 50/50 custody, it just wouldn't work. To a lesser degree I've had clients that work while the spouse, for whatever reason, is able to be home more often. Since the court prefers that kids be with a parent rather than day care, the other party got the kids more because he/she was simply more available. The overnights were still 50/50, but my clients spouse ended up having more time with the children simply due to work schedules. Nevertheless, it was still worthwhile since my client was still able to be heavily involved in the children's lives.
Practical Aspects
Finally, from a practical standpoint, kids that are in a 50/50 custody arrangement need to be able to "survive" in both households. This means they must have clothing, personal items, school supplies, etc., at both places. This is an additional expense that parties must think about when seeking 50/50 custody. It would not make sense for a child to pack a bag each time he went to a parent's house, especially if the week is broken up, where the child goes back and forth a couple times a week.
Regardless of the parent-time schedule, parents should strive to make custody/visitation as easy as possible on a child. This is especially important with a 50/50 schedule, otherwise it could very easily disrupt a child's life. If it is at all possible, I encourage parents to have a 50/50 schedule. But if there are circumstances that make it too difficult, that is okay too.
If you are dealing with custody issues, contact Pearson Law Firm for a free consultation with an experienced Utah divorce attorney. Call 801-888-0991.
Regardless of the parent-time schedule, parents should strive to make custody/visitation as easy as possible on a child. This is especially important with a 50/50 schedule, otherwise it could very easily disrupt a child's life. If it is at all possible, I encourage parents to have a 50/50 schedule. But if there are circumstances that make it too difficult, that is okay too.
If you are dealing with custody issues, contact Pearson Law Firm for a free consultation with an experienced Utah divorce attorney. Call 801-888-0991.